Oracle Academy Discovery Workshop

This one-day workshop is being organized to provide an opportunity to explore and understand the range of programs and offerings available from the Oracle Academy that support continuous science learning and the development of today’s students into the inventors, innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders of the future.

Through its Oracle Academy, the Oracle Corporation provides philanthropic services to the education sector by making available a variety of resources that can be used in the classroom in academic courses and degree-related research, including technology, curriculum and courseware, student workshops, educator training, and Oracle industry certification and exam preparation materials. They support educators by providing these resources and training so they can then pass it onto their students who develop IT and engineering skills while using production software used widely across hundreds of industries.

  • Time: 9:00am – 3:30pm
  • Date: September 28th , 2016
  • Venue: A2.104

Faculty and students can register for free at

