- Office: A1.610, International University.
Quarter 6, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, HCM City, Vietnam - Email: ltnhanh@hcmiu.edu.vn
- Homepage: https://lehanhcs.github.io
- 2019 - 2023: Ph.D in Computer Science, National Cheng - Kung University, Taiwan
2018 - 2019: Msc in Computer Science, National Cheng - Kung University, Taiwan - 2012 - 2014: Msc in Computer Science, Ho Chi Minh City University of Science, VNU-HCM, Viet Nam.
- 2005 - 2010: BSc in Information Pedagogy, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Viet Nam.
- 5/2024 ~ Now: Lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, International University, VNU-HCM, Vietnam
- 8/2023 ~ 4/2024: Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
- 2/2018 ~ 7/2023: Research assistant at Computer Graphics Laboratory, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
- 1/2014 ~ 12/2017: Lecturer at Phan Thiet University, Viet Nam
- Full Elite scholarship for doctoral program, by Ministry of Education, Taiwan (9/2019)
- Outstanding Award in the Grand Review and Competition for PhD Student and Postdoctoral Fellow, by National Cheng-Kung University (11/2022)
- Best paper award Paper “Generating wire sculpture art from 3D model”, Computer Graphics Workshop, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. (7/2022)
- Best paper award Paper "Structure-aware video style transfer with map art", Computer Graphics Workshop, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (7/2023)
- Award for outstanding academic performance scholarship, by Atelier Future, Bank Sinopac, Taiwan (1/2023)
- Win 4 times the scholarship for outstanding international students, by Office of International Affair, National Cheng-Kung University
- Honorary member of the Society National Cheng Kung University, by Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of Taiwan, (5/2023)
- Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
- "Deep learning in computer graphics", Spring semesters, hosted by Prof. Tong-Yee Lee. Dept. Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan.
- IEEE VIS 2023, Melbourne, Australia, “Image Collage on Arbitrary Shape via Shape Partitioning and Optimization”. (Author) (10/2023)
- Computer Graphics Workshop 2023, National Chin-Yi University of Technology. “Structure-aware video style transfer with map art”. (Presenter) (7/2023)
- Computer Graphics Workshop 2022, National Taiwan Normal University. “Generating wire sculpture art from 3D model”. (Presenter) (7/2022)
- SIGGRAPH ASIA, Tokyo, Japan. “Optimized binarization for eggshell carving art”. (Presenter) (12/2021)
- Computer Graphics Workshop 2021, National Taiwan Ocean University. “Content-based visual summarization for image collection”. (Presenter) (7/2021)
- Computer Graphics Workshop 2020, National Chiao Tung University. “Image Retargetability”. (Presenter) (7/2020)
- SIGGRAPH ASIA, Brisbane, Australia. “Animation Video Resequencing with a Convolutional AutoEncoder”. (Presenter) (11/2019)
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- C/C++ Programming
- Object Oriented Programming
- Deep learning
- Principles of Programming Languages
- Image Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Animation Video Resequencing/Editing and Video Resizing, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. (2022 ~ 2024)
- 2D background art and 3D three-dimensional line model art, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. (2019 ~ 2022)
- Composite picture gradient art painting and cartoon expression synthesis animation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (2018 ~ 2019)
Deep learning in Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Multimedia Generation.
And, ... certainly, applying deep learning in other fields also falls in my circle of interest
- Wu, Kexin, Fan Tang, Ning Liu, Oliver Deussen, Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Weiming Dong, and Tong-Yee Lee. "Lighting Image/Video Style Transfer Methods by Iterative Channel Pruning." In ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 3800-3804. IEEE, 2024.
- Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Tong-Yee Lee, Shih-Syun Lin, and Weiming Dong. "Deep learning-based importance map for content-aware media retargeting." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2024): 1-22.
- Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, HuiGuang Huang, Yi-Ru Chen, and Tong-Yee Lee, "Retargeting Videos to Arbitrary Aspect Ratios with an End-to-end Model," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (TVCG), (SCI/EI) (10/2023)
- Dong-Yi Wu, Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Sheng-Yi Yao, Yun-Chen Lin, Tong-Yee Lee* “Image Collage on Arbitrary Shape via Shape Partitioning and Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. (3/2023)
- Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Ya-Hsuan Chen, and Tong-Yee Lee. 2023. “Structure-aware Video Style Transfer with Map Art”. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 19, 3s, Article 131 (June 2023).
- Yuxin Zhang,Fan Tang,Weiming Dong, Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Changsheng Xu, and Tong-Yee Lee, “Portrait Map Art Generation by Asymmetric Image-to-Image Translation,” Leonardo journal 56(1): (2023) (SCI/EI)
- Charles C. Morace, Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Sheng-Yi Yao, Shang-Wei Zhang, Tong-Yee Lee, “Learning a Perceptual Manifold with Deep Features for Animation Video Resequencing,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, (SCI/EI) 2022 81:23687–23707
- Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Chih-Kuo Yeh, Ying-Chi Lin, and Tong-Yee Lee. 2023. “Animating Still Natural Images Using Warping”. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 19, 1, Article 4 (01/2023).
- Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Sheng-Yi Yao, Chih-Kuo Yeh, Sheng-Jie Wang, Tong-Yee Lee, “Optimized binarization for eggshell carving art”, SIGGRAPH Asia 2021, 14 TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FORUM, Tokyo, JAPAN, Dec. 2021
- Chih-Kuo Yeh, Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Zhi-Ying Hou, and Tong-Yee Lee, “Generating Virtual Wire Sculptural Art from 3D Models”, ACM Transaction on Multimedia Computing Communication and Applications (TOMM) 18, no. 2 (2022):1-23
- Shih-Syun Lin, Thi Ngoc Hanh Le, Pang-Yu Wu, Tong-Yee Lee*, “Content-and-disparity-aware Stereoscopic Video Stabilization”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.80, pages1545–1564 (2021).
- Shang-Wei Zhang, Charles C. Morace, Thi Ngoc Hanh Le, Chih-Kuo Yeh, Sheng-Yi Yao, Shih-Syun Lin, and Tong-Yee Lee. Animation Video Resequencing with a Convolutional AutoEncoder. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Posters (SA '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 19, 1–2
- Shih-Syun Lin, Yu-Fan Chang, Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le, Sheng-Yi Yao, and Tong-Yee Lee. Generation of Photorealistic QR Codes. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Posters (SA '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 22, 1–2.
- Technical reading.
- Research.
- Sport: volleyball, badminton, jog, yoga.