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Internship Summer 2019


1. The first meeting for summer Internship course will be on 31/05/2019. Students who plan to take the internship course in the summer attend the meeting in order to obtain important internship information.

2. Students prepare resume and School’s recommendation letter to apply for internship positions from companies. The list of companies is published on School’s webpage (Link) and announcement board.

3. Students register the internship course with OAA in the first week of June. Upon success, School assigns a lecturer as an internship coordinator to students. The internship coordinator is responsible for monitoring students and collaborate with supervisors from companies for internship progress, and evaluate internship reports.

4. Students must send a confirmation report of the internship position to their internship coordinator within two weeks after starting the internship course. The confirmation includes company information (name, description, contact, webpage), supervisor information (name, position, phone, email), internship work description, internship time frame (duration, session per week). Late confirmation report results in terminating the internship course.

5. Students submit internship report and evaluation report to their internship coordinators by the last week of August. Internship report must include evidence of results for internship activities and achievements. The reports must include the company’s stamp and the supervisor’s signature for validation. Poor reports fail the internship course.

6. Students requiring Internship grade for graduation must contact their internship coordinator in order to submit internship report and evaluation report earlier.

7. The tentative schedule is as follows

Time Task
  • Enrolling course
  • Applying internship
  • Starting internship
  • Reporting to the coordinator (two weeks after start)
    (please send email to pqslam@hcmiu.edu.vn
    or  nvsinh@hcmiu.edu.vn)
  • Checking progress
  • Drop internship
  • Submitting internship report and evaluation report
  • Submitting grade (the coordinator)

More Information

Submitting internship report and evaluation report (from 15/08 to 31/08 ) to your coordinator. Internship report must include EVIDENCE OF RESULTS for activities and achievements. The internship report must include the company’s stamp and the supervisor’s signature for validation. Poor reports can fail the internship course.

Students MUST read and follow the below instructions, avoid sending email pieces with irrelevant questions, such as reporting internship work at wrong time, asking internship web page or validating internship work, etc.

Students requiring Internship’s grade for graduation MUST submit Internship report and evaluation ASAP and contact Internship coordinator via email for confirmation.

– Students must care about plagiarism when writing the internship report. Penalty for copying the existing reports is severe

– The internship jobs must be in IT or IT-related fields. The unrelated jobs will not be accepted.

– Shared reports are disallowed. Students working in the same internship projects must provide separate reports that specify the work part and contribution of the projects. 

– If your internship period is longer than expected, i.e., until Oct. or Nov., you can consult the coordinator and submit the certified reports by the deadline 

Any further information, contact the internship coordinator.


CV Template

Evaluation Forms